Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Creative ways to source within Google Docs

 Google Docs is a free resource created by Google to help asset users in so many different ways. For example it can help with content, to creating presentations, to working in (excel) sheets. It something that I use on a weekly basis to work on many different types of projects. Google Docs is a great way to auto-save and maybe it’s the one thing you didn’t notice. Documents or projects can be saved and viewed publicly online. With the help of Boolean and x-raying Recruiters and search across a ton of public content. You can virtually search endless amounts of content. But, for Recruiters searching for resumes, books, patents, or presentations can help discover more candidates online.


Below are creative ways to source within Google Docs:


1. Basic Boolean String to Find Resumes:

I recommend creating a basic string to find resumes. I would start my searching for a particular job title and then expand on require skills and preferred locations.  Below is an example for searching Google Docs for resume titles. 

site:docs.google.com developer “San Francisco” intitle:resume -example -sample -samples -jobs


(Advanced) Resume Boolean String Examples:

I’ve included more advanced searches that expand on resume keywords. I’ve also included a string that strictly focused on finding accounts that include Gmail address info. 

site:docs.google.com developer Atlanta (intitle:resume OR intitle:cv) -example -sample -samples -jobs

site:docs.google.com developer “San Francisco” (resume OR CV OR “curriculum vitae”) -example –
sample -samples -jobs

site:docs.google.com developer “* * @gmail.com” -example -sample -samples -jobs


2. Searching in Documents

This example will help search with the document folders within Google Docs. Users can save documents within these folders. 

site:docs.google.com/document/ developer “San Francisco” intitle:resume -example -sample -samples -jobs


3. Searching in Spreadsheets

Spreadsheets are similar to an Excel document. You can search for directories, participants, to conference attendees list. Just consider what someone might create within a spreadsheet and create a string. 

site:docs.google/com/spreadsheets/ developer (contacts OR participants OR directory OR registrants OR attendees) -example

site:docs.google.com/spreadsheets / “staff directory” -example


4. Searching in Forms 

Forms are documents that showcase survey information. You can search for names and other info that someone might ask within a survey.  You can search for participant names, list directories, and other company data intel. 

site:docs.google.com/spreadsheets/ Responses (contacts OR participants OR directory OR
registrants OR attendees) -example
site:docs.google.com/spreadsheets/ Responses “email * * com|net|org” -example
site:docs.google.com/spreadsheets/ “List of *” (contacts OR participants OR directory OR
registrants OR attendees) -example


5. Searching in Presentations

You can search for topics and find individuals who have presented within the space. It’s virtually endless for what you could search for within Presentations. 

site:docs.google.com/presentation/ docker -example
site:docs.google.com/presentation/ docker “email * *” -example
site:docs.google.com/presentation/ “organizational chart” -example


There’s so many different ways to search within Google Docs. I hope these suggestions above will help you find some great candidates online. 

Searching for Software Engineers with their LinkedIn profile link outside of LinkedIn domain url's, plus their contact information.

Searching for Software Engineers with their LinkedIn profile link outside of LinkedIn domain url's, plus their contact information.

(Developer|engineer|"Engineering Manager"|"* Architect") ("@gmail.com" OR "+91") inanchor:linkedin.com/in -site:linkedin.com -site:*.linkedin.com -site:*.linkedin.com/pub -site:*.linkedin.com/in

Quick and easy way to Search for Mechanical Engineers on LinkedIn who are either not working or openly looking out for suitable roles :

Quick and easy way to Search for Mechanical Engineers on LinkedIn who are either not working or openly looking out for suitable roles :

(in this example i have used India - Country Code, if you are in the US, then you need to remove the country code after site: and replace "+91" with "+1")
"This search pulls 211 results"
If don't have time to go through a Long list, then this search is for you.
(intitle:"#opentowork" OR intitle:looking OR intitle:immediate OR intitle:immediately OR intitle:sabbatical OR intitle:available OR intitle:"career break" OR intitle:unemployed OR intitle:"un-employed" OR intitle:"not employed" OR intitle:"not working" OR intitle:"new role" OR intitle:"new opportunity" OR intitle:"new opportunities") site:in.linkedin.com/in intitle:"mechanical engineer" -intitle:graduate -intitle:fresher

Directly getting to the Full Resume Landing Pages on Behance.

Directly getting to the Full Resume Landing Pages on Behance.

In this example i am looking for GRAPHIC DESIGNERS from Bangalore.
In SEARCH 1, I have eliminated Management Professionals
Freelancers & Trainers
(Let's just say that our Client Hiring Managers are looking for fill Positions between 5 to 10 years and are not interested to consider Freelancers OR Trainers & they want people who are currently situated at Bangalore)
SEARCH NO : 1 (Though Google Results No. is not always accurate - it shows : 1,420 results for the below search, which is a Steal as you are getting it for FREE)
site:behance.net/*/resume ("Graphic Designer"|"Graphic Design" AROUND 20 "work experience") ("bangalore"|"bengaluru" AROUND 20 "Graphic Designer"|"Graphic design") -founder -ceo -director -"vice president" -freelance -freelancer -freelancing -trainer
SEARCH NO : 2 (we are re-visiting those Profiles which we had excluded in SEARCH 1 to check if some of the Freelancers OR Trainers are currently working with Organizations as Employees)
site:behance.net/*/resume ("Graphic Designer"|"Graphic Design" AROUND 20 "work experience") ("bangalore"|"bengaluru" AROUND 20 "Graphic Designer"|"Graphic design") -founder -ceo -director -"vice president" ("freelance"|"freelancer"|"freelancing"|"trainer" AROUND * "work experience")

Searching Developers Using X-Ray Boolean Searches


Searching Developers Using X-Ray Boolean Searches:

"Find Developers with Proficiency in JAVA from Bengaluru OR Bangalore who are Globally Ranked in the Top 1%"
site:profile.codersrank.io/user/ "Scores & Badges" ("Top 1" AROUND 5 "Global Rank") (intext:"Language overview" intext:"Java " intext:"India") (intext:bengaluru OR intext:bangalore)
site:profile.codersrank.io/user/ "Scores & Badges" ("Top 1" AROUND 5 "Global Rank") ("Language overview" "Java " "India") (bengaluru OR bangalore)
"Both Searches return the same number of results"
"Find Developers with Proficiency in JAVA from Bengaluru OR Bangalore who are Globally Ranked in the Top 1% OR Top 2%"
site:profile.codersrank.io/user/ "Scores & Badges" ("Top 1" OR "Top 2" AROUND 5 "Global Rank") (intext:"Language overview" intext:"Java " intext:"India") (intext:bengaluru OR intext:bangalore)
site:profile.codersrank.io/user/ "Scores & Badges" ("Top 1" OR "Top 2" AROUND 5 "Global Rank") ("Language overview" "Java " "India") (bengaluru OR bangalore)
"Both Searches return the same number of results"
"Find Developers with Proficiency in JAVA from India who are Globally Ranked in the Top 1%"
site:profile.codersrank.io/user/ "Scores & Badges" ("Top 1" AROUND 5 "Global Rank") (intext:"Language overview" intext:"Java " intext:"India")
site:profile.codersrank.io/user/ "Scores & Badges" ("Top 1" AROUND 5 "Global Rank") ("Language overview" "Java " "India")
"Both Searches return the same number of results"
"Find Developers with Proficiency in JAVA (from anywhere) who are Globally Ranked in the Top 1%"
site:profile.codersrank.io/user/ "Scores & Badges" ("Top 1" AROUND 5 "Global Rank") (intext:"Language overview" intext:"Java ")
site:profile.codersrank.io/user/ "Scores & Badges" ("Top 1" AROUND 5 "Global Rank") ("Language overview" "Java ")
"Both Searches return the same number of results"

Creative ways to source within Google Docs

  Google Docs   is a free resource created by Google to help asset users in so many different ways. For example it can help with content, to...